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作者:147小编 | 发布时间:2023-07-13 09:14:31













根据游戏产业网(http://www.cgigc.com.cn/)发布的《2016年1-6月中国游戏产业报告》,2016年1~6月,中国游戏(包括客户端游戏、网页游戏、社交游戏、移动游戏、单机游戏、电视游戏等)市场实际销售收入达到787.5亿元人民币,同比增30.1%。 麦站企服(www.maizhanqifu.com)专业代办ICP/EDI许可证,咨询电话:15205695834。


According to ChinaGaming Industry Report for January to June 2016 released by CGIGC (http://www.cgigc.com.cn/), from January to June 2016, the actual sales revenue of Chinese gaming (includingclient game, web game, social game, mobile game, console game, video game,etc.) market was RMB78.75 billion, with a year-on-year growth of 30.1%t. 麦站企服凭借更完善的服务网络,专业高效的服务队伍,提供一站式资质申请 咨询服务,一站式技术服务机构,认证咨询,培训服务等点击立即咨询。


游戏行业持续火爆,吸引了大批的创业者和投资者投身其中与此同时,国家监管层出于对游戏行业的监管和知识产权的保护,对游戏行业公司设置了多项行政许可管理很多初创游戏公司由于对相关规定的不了解以致影响业务正常开展。 麦站企服(www.maizhanqifu.com)专业代办ICP/EDI许可证,咨询电话:15205695834。


Thepopularity of gaming industry attracts a large number of entrepreneurs and investors.Meanwhile, national regulators set up various administrative licenses andapprovals upon game companies for the supervision of gaming industry andprotection of intellectual property. Because of lacking of enough knowledgeregarding relevant regulations, the normal business of many start-up gamecompanies has been affected. 麦站企服(www.maizhanqifu.com)一站式资质代办。





There are at least five administrative licensesor approvals for a game company from establishment to game launch, includingInternet Culture Operation License, BusinessCertificate of Value-added Telecommunications, Game Copyright, theapproval document from SAPPRFT, and game operation record. The application forthe approval document from SAPPRFT shall be based on obtaining Business Certificate of Value-added Telecommunications, the gameoperation record shall be based on obtaining Internet Culture OperationLicense, and therefore, start-up game companies shall apply for the InternetCulture Operation License and BusinessCertificate of Value-added Telecommunications first. ICP/EDI许可证资质代办,找麦站企服,先办理后付款,不成功不收费。


2016年5月24日国家新闻出版广电总局颁布了《关于移动游戏出版服务管理的通知》,要求所有的移动游戏产品在7月1日前必须取得游戏版号才可以上网出版运营越来越严厉的监管措施让很多独立游戏开发者和游戏公司意识到了提前准备申请以及快速获得网络文化经营许可证和增值电信业务经营许可证的必要性。 麦站企服资质代办资质代理,新办,续期,资格延续申报为一体的综合型企业。20余人专业团队,快速,高效可信赖,收费透明!


SAPPRFTissued Notice about Management of PublishingService of Mobile Games on May 24th 2016, requiring that allmobile game products shall not operate online until they obtain the approvaldocument from SAPPRFT before July 1st. The increasingly strictregulatory measures make many game developers and game companies realize thenecessity of preparing the application for the Internet Culture OperationLicense and ICP in advance and obtaining them speedily. ICP/EDI许可证资质代办,找麦站企服,先办理后付款,不成功不收费。


本文将详细介绍上述两项初创游戏公司运营过程中必备的行政许可审批Thisarticle will introduce the aforesaid two administrative licenses which are necessaryfor the operation of start-up game companies in detail.。 麦站企服资质代办资质代理,新办,续期,资格延续申报为一体的综合型企业。20余人专业团队,快速,高效可信赖,收费透明!


网络文化经营许可证(文网文)    Internet Culture Operation License游戏公司在游戏平台(网页游戏、客户端游戏、手机游戏等)开发好后,都需要对自己经营的业务进行前置审批申请,即申请网络文化经营许可证,也就是业内人士所称的“文网文”证书。

Aftergames have been developed on platforms (web game, client game and mobile game,etc.), game companies shall apply for the examination and approval for theirbusiness operation, in other words, applying for the Internet Culture OperationLicense.


文网文资质有效期是三年,到期需要提前续办Companiesengaging in the operation of internet games, animation products, musicalproducts, exhibition competition, internet performance, and other relevantinternet cultural business, shall obtain the Internet Culture Operation Licensebefore operating the relevant business legally. The acceptance department of InternetCulture Operation License application is the relevant administrative departmentin charge of culture, Agency for Cultural Affairs, or Cultural Affairs Bureauof each province of the State (including autonomous regions and municipalities).The time limitation for handling is 20 workdays after acceptance. The period ofvalidity of Internet Culture Operation License is 3 years, and it shall berenewed before the expiring date.

为落实注册资本登记制度改革工作,文化部2015年7月出台了“先照后证”政策,新政取消了申请企业的注册资本实收的门槛,即不要求企业提供实缴注册资本的验资报告,只要认缴便可申请文网文Forthe implementation of registration system reform of registered capital, in July2015, the Ministry of Culture issued a policy of “Business license first”. Thisnew policy has canceled the threshold of paid-in registered capital forcompanies, in other words, companies no longer need to provide capital verificationreport on their paid-up capital, they only need to subscribe capital before applyingfor the Internet Culture Operation License.。

外资方面,《关于文化领域引进外资的若干意见》(文办发〔2005〕19号)第四条规定,禁止外商投资设立和经营互联网文化经营机构故目前外商投资企业无法申请网络文化经营许可证Forforeign-invested companies, Article 4 of SeveralOptions on Introduction of Foreign Investment in Cultural Field (NO.〔2005〕19issued by State Council InformationOffice) prohibits foreign investment to set up and operate internet cultureinstitutions. Therefore, foreign-invested companies cannot apply for InternetCulture Operation License.。

(一) 法律依据a)      Legal Basis1、《互联网文化管理暂行规定》(文化部令第51号)1、Interim Provisions of Internet CultureManagement (NO.51 Decree ofMinistry of Culture)

2、《网络游戏管理暂行办法》(文化部令第49号)2、Interim Provisions of Internet Game Management (NO.49 Decree of Ministry of Culture)

3、《文化部办公厅关于下放经营性互联网文化单位行政许可审批工作的通知》(办市发[2010]23号)3、Notice about General Office of Ministry of Culturedelegating power of administrative licensing and approving of commercialinternet cultural companies to local government (NO.[2010]23 issued by General Office)

4、《文化部关于落实“先照后证”改进文化市场行政审批工作的通知》(文市发[2015]627号)4、Notice about implementation of “Business licensefirst” and improving the administrative examination and approval in culturalmarket (NO.[2015]627issued by Ministry of Culture)

(二)申请条件:b)    Admission Requirements1、  有确定的单位的名称、住所、组织机构和章程;1、certain name,address, institutional framework of the company and articles of association;

2、有确定的互联网文化活动范围;2、certain range of internet cultural activity;3、有适应互联网文化活动需要的人员、设备、工作场所以及相应的管理技术措施;3、staff, equipments, work place and the corresponding managementtechnical measures that satisfy the needs of internet cultural activities;

4、有确定的域名;4、certain domainname;5、符合法律、行政法规和国家有关规定的条件5、compliance with the provisions of laws, regulations and otherrelevant stipulations of the State.。

(三)申请材料c)      Application Material1、《设立经营性互联网文化单位申请表》1、application form ofestablishing commercial internet culture company

2、企业法人营业执照2、Business License3、从工商行政管理部门调取的章程或机读档案3、articles of association ormachine-readable archives taken from industrial and commercial administrativedepartment

4、法定代表人和自然人股东身份证4、certificate of identificationof legal representative and individual shareholder(s)5、网站域名登记证明

5、website domain name registrationcertificate6、企业发展可行性报告6、feasibility reportof the company(四)申请注意事项及难点

d)      Matters needing attention and difficulties与下文的ICP比起来,文网文申请材料较少,申请流程也较简单快捷,但是下列一些申请中的要点仍需注意:Comparing to the ICP that follows,materials needed for Internet Culture Operation License are lesser, applicationprocess is simpler and quicker, but these following points shall be noted:

1、申请单位必须是内资企业,不能含有任何外资成分1、The applicant mustbe a domestic company, any foreign components are forbidden.。


2、Although therequirement of minimum registered capital was canceled for the Internet CultureOperation License, considering the game company shall apply for ICP later, whichrequires the registered capital of the applicant not less than RMB1 million, itis better to subscribe RMB1 million for the registered capital in order to meetthe requirements of both Internet Culture Operation License and ICP.

3、提交材料时,企业营业执照、法定代表人和自然人股东身份证需携带原件和复印件,原件核对后当场退回3、When submitting materials,originals and copies of business license, certificate of identification oflegal representative and individual shareholder(s) shall be taken together. Theoriginal will be returned on the spot after verification.。

4、文网文要求审核网站经营的游戏情况,工作人员会当场审核公司网站是否符合国家规定:适龄提示、防沉迷系统、ICP备案号、客服中心联系方式等4、One item of applying for Internet Culture OperationLicense is to check the conditions of games operated by the website. Officerswill check whether the website conforms to the regulations or not: reminder of agerestrictions, anti-addiction system, record number of ICP, contact informationof customer service center, etc.。

增值电信业务经营许可证(ICP)   Business Certificate of Value-added Telecommunications (ICP)文网文属于文化主管部门的前置审批,游戏运营企业须在取得文网文后,才可以进行《增值电信业务经营许可证》的申请,即大家所说的“ICP证”。

ICP许可证的审批及发证对象是针对在线经营的网络平台,如网络购物、网络游戏、有偿信息服务等通过网络平台直接付费从而形成商品交易或有偿信息服务的平台在互联网上运营游戏的话,必须办理此证InternetCulture Operation License is a pre-approval license governed by administrativedepartment in charge of culture, game operating company can apply for the Business Certificate of Value-added Telecommunications,in other words, “ICP Certificate” only after obtaining Internet CultureOperation License. The objects of examination, approval and issuing of ICP Certificateare all internet platforms that operate online business, such as onlineshopping, online game, compensable information service and other platforms whichformatting commodity transaction or compensable information service through directonline payment on such platforms. This certificate must be obtained foroperating games in the internet.


ICP证书有效期是五年,每月前十日要提交月报,每年年初都要年检,到期要提前续办Theacceptance department of ICP application is MIIT and AGCOM of each province(including autonomous regions and municipalities). From July 2012, the priorstep for applying for ICP Certificate is to apply on the online managementsystem of MIIT. After passing online application, applicant shall submit papermaterials to AGCOM. The time limitation for handling is 60 workdays after acceptance.The period of validity of ICP Certificate is 5 years. A monthly report shall besubmitted ten days prior to the beginning of each month, annual check shall be carriedout at the beginning of each year, and the license shall be renewed before theexpiring date.


Differentfrom the Internet Culture Operation License application, which canceled therequirement of registered capital of applicants, ICP strictly requires theregistered capital of applicants: operator whichcarries out business within the scope of a province, autonomous region ormunicipality shall have a registered capital with a lower limit of RMB 1million; operator which carries out business within the scope of the country orcross provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities shall have a registeredcapital with a lower limit of RMB 10 million.


Forforeign-invested companies, although the state does not forbid foreigninvestors to invest telecommunication business, the business is still in thefield of restricted industry. The proportion of capital contribution of foreignand domestic investors in different stage in the foreign-investedtelecommunication company shall be determined by the competent department ofinformation industry under the state council according to relevant regulations.The proportion of capital contribution of foreign investors in foreign-investedtelecommunication company operating internet gaming value-addedtelecommunication services shall be no more than 49%.

(一) 法律依据a)      Legal Basis1、《中华人民共和国电信条例》(G-W-Y令第291号)1、TelecommunicationRegulations of the People’s Republic of China (NO.291 Decree of the State Council)

2、《电信业务经营许可管理办法》(工信部令5号)2、Measuresfor the Management of Telecommunications Business License (NO.5 Decree of MIIT)

3、《外商投资电信企业管理规定》(G-W-Y令第333号)3、Provisionson Administration of Foreign-Invested Telecommunications Enterprises (NO.333 Decree of the State Council)

(二) 申请条件b)      Admission Requirements申请经营增值电信业务的,应当符合下列条件The applicant whoapplies for operating value-added telecommunications business shall meet thefollowing requirements:

1、经营者为依法设立的公司1、the operator shallbe a duly established company.2、有与开展经营活动相适应的资金和专业人员2、the operator shall have capital andpersonnel sufficient for the operation activities.。

3、有为用户提供长期服务的信誉或者能力3、the operator shall have the good willand competence for providing long-term services to users.。

4、在省、自治区、直辖市范围内经营的,注册资本最低限额为100万元人民币;在全国或者跨省、自治区、直辖市范围经营的,注册资本最低限额为1000万元人民币4、operator which carries out business within the scope of a province,autonomous region or municipality shall have a registered capital with a lowerlimit of RMB 1 million; operator which carries out business within the scope ofthe country or cross provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities shall havea registered capital with a lower limit of RMB 10 million.。

5、有必要的场地、设施及技术方案5、the operator shall have necessary sites, facilities and technicalscheme for the operation activities.。

6、公司及其主要出资者和主要经营管理人员三年内无违反电信监督管理制度的违法记录6、the operator, its principalcontributor and its principal management have no record of violation oftelecommunication supervision and administration system within three years.。

7、国家规定的其他条件7、other conditionsstipulated by the State.(三) 申请材料c)      Application Material申请办理增值电信业务经营许可证的,应当向电信管理机构提交下列申请材料:。

The applicant who appliesfor the Business Certificate of Value-added Telecommunications shall submit thefollowing materials:

1、公司法定代表人签署的经营增值电信业务的书面申请1、the written application for operating value-addedtelecom business signed by the legal representative of the company.。

2、公司的企业法人营业执照副本及复印件2、counterpart and copy of the BusinessLicense of the company.3、公司概况包括:公司基本情况,拟从事增值电信业务的人员、场地和设施等情况。

3、company’s profile, including basic information of the company, thepersonnel of the telecom business proposed to be operated, and site andfacilities suitable for the business, etc.

4、公司最近经会计师事务所审计的企业法人年度财务会计报告或者验资报告及电信管理机构规定的其他相关会计资料4、the latest annual financial statementof the company audited by accounting firm or report on capital verification andother relevant accounting materials required by the MIIT.。

5、公司章程、公司股权结构及股东的有关情况5、articles of association, equitystructure of the company and information of the shareholders.。

6、申请经营电信业务的业务发展、实施计划和技术方案6、the business development,implementation plan and technical scheme of the telecom business applied foroperation.。

7、为用户提供长期服务和质量保障的措施7、measures for providing long-term services and quality warranty for users.8、信息安全保障措施。

8、guaranty measures for informationsafety.9、证明公司信誉的有关材料9、relevant materials certifying thegood will of the company.。

10、公司法定代表人签署的公司依法经营电信业务的承诺书10、the commitment for legal operation oftelecom business signed by the legal representative of the company.。

申请经营的电信业务依照法律、行政法规及国家有关规定须经有关主管部门事先审核同意的,应当提交有关主管部门审核同意的文件Where applicationfor operating telecom business is subject to prior examination and approval by relevantcompetent department as provided by laws, administrative regulations and Stateprovisions, the approval document of such relevant competent department shallbe submitted upon examination.。

(四) 申请注意事项及难点d)      Matters needing attention and difficultiesICP申请的主要难点在于网申阶段,提交材料数量众多,内容繁杂,网络信息安全保障措施和业务发展方案等申请材料都需要如实详细撰写,申请难度较大。

以下申请要点值得关注:The main difficulty of ICP applicationlies in its online application process. During this process, the materials thatshall be submitted are numerous, the contents are diverse, and the guarantymeasures for internet information, business development plan shall be writtenin detail and accurately, so it is quite difficult to apply. The followingpoints are worth of attention:

1、经营网络游戏业务,须先取得《网络文化经营许可证》,才可以申请ICP证1、To operate internet game business, ICP Certificate isapplicable only after obtaining the Internet Culture Operation License.。

2、公司的主要人员应不少于3人,至少应包括专人专岗的企业联系人、信息安全负责人、客服负责人等人员,一般需提供5名2、Principal personnel of the company shall be no less than 3 persons,at least including company contact person, person in charge of information safety,person in charge of customer service, etc. No one can hold more than one position,generally 5 persons shall be submitted.。

3、必须提交公司为上述公司主要人员近期缴纳的社保证明因为游戏公司先取得文网文才可以申请ICP,建议客户在游戏公司设立之后申请文网文时尽快为员工缴纳社保3、Proof of recent social security paid by the company for the above principalpersonnel must be submitted. Game company can apply for ICP license only afterobtaining the Internet Culture Operation License, so it is better for the company topay social security for its personnel as soon as possible upon the applicationfor the Internet Culture Operation License after the company is established.。

4、以前ICP申请需要提供公司主要人员的学历证明、资质证书等材料,现在已经不需要提供4、Proofs of diploma, qualifications of the principal personnel ofthe company are no longer required to submit for ICP application.。

小 结  Summary文网文和ICP作为初创游戏公司必备的资质,在申请过程中一定要认真准备,否则会直接影响到公司整体运营效率,打乱后续游戏上市计划因此,建议公司在申请这些资质之前,认真研读有关政策,耐心向有关部门求证咨询。

TheInternet Culture Operation License and ICP, as the necessary licenses for start-upgame companies, shall be prepared earnestly in the process of application,otherwise the overall operating efficiency of the company would be affecteddirectly, and subsequent plan of game launch would be disrupted. Therefore,before applying for these licenses, companies shall study the relevant policiescarefully and refer to relevant authorities patiently.

作者简介王伟斌锦天城律师事务所 高级合伙人逄丽丽锦天城律师事务所 资深律师吴超锦天城律师事务所 实习律师作者声明1. 本文封面及正文图片来自网络,著作权归原权利人2. 本文中统计数据均来源于网络,作者不对其真实准确性承担责任。






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